Explain in brief, ‘management’ as a group of people having managerial responsibility for an enterprise

Explain in brief, ‘management’ as a group of people having managerial responsibility for an enterprise.

Answer: In order to realise its goals, the organisation has to do different activities like purchase, sale, manufacturing, finance, etc. A single person cannot do all these activities successfully all by himself, but several persons have to join their hands together to fulfil them. The organisational goals can only be fully realised: 
(i) if all the people of the organisation work in a team and if 
(ii) there is effected such coordination in their efforts that all of them move in one direction only. Thus, we may say that management is a group activity, not an activity to be performed by a single person only.

Explain in brief, ‘management’ as a group of people having managerial responsibility for an enterprise

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