Explain any four points of importance of management. [CBSE 2016]

Question: Explain any four points of importance of management. [CBSE 2016]


i). Management helps in Achieving Group Goals: It is the most important characteristic of management that it is a goal-oriented activity. A manager achieves these goals by giving the proper direction to the efforts of all individuals.

ii). Management Increases Efficiency: A manager increases efficiency through the optimum utilisation of all the resources, such as Man, Machine, Material and Money.

iii). Management Creates a Dynamic Organisation: Every organisation works in an ever-changing environment. To face the changing environment, many changes need to be made in the organisation as well. But people resist changes. The manager creates a favourable environment by introducing employees to the benefits arising by adapting to changes.

iv). Management helps in achieving Personal Objectives: Every employee wants to get suitable remuneration, a share in profit, participation in management, promotion, etc. in the form of his personal objectives. This objective can only be achieved if they work while using their full abilities. Managers make employees able through motivation, good leadership and open communication. As a result, they attain their individual objectives.

Question: Explain any four points of importance of management. [CBSE 2016]

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