Why did the Muslim community not join the struggle during the Civil Disobedience Movements? Give reasons

Question: Why did the Muslim community not join the struggle during the Civil Disobedience Movements? Give reasons.

Answer: Some of the Muslim organisations showed less interest in their response to Civil Disobedience Movements.

1). A large part of the Muslim population in the country was separated from the Congress after the failure of the Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement.

2). Hindu nationalist groups like the Hindu Mahasabha was closely associated with the Congress.

3). This led to the straining of ties between the Hindus and Muslims.

4). Communal clashes and riots spread across the country as each community was involved in organising their own religious processions and campaigns.

5). M.R. Jayakar who belonged to the Hindu Mahasabha was not ready to compromise with the demand of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, leader of the Muslim League. Jinnah demanded reserved seats for Muslims in the Central Assembly, and he wanted separate representation for the Muslims in Bengal and Punjab.

6). This widened the gap between the two communities.

7). Hence, the majority of the Muslims did not respond to the call for Civil Disobedience Movement. Thus, alienation from the Congress and distrust among the Hindus and Muslims were the main reasons for the poor response to the call for a united struggle.

Why did the Muslim community not join the struggle during the Civil Disobedience Movements? Give reasons

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