This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits

This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits. 

(A) Hard disk 

(B) RAM 

(C) CPU 

(D) ROM 

(E) None of these 

Answer: (C) CPU 

This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits. (A) Hard disk (B) RAM (C) CPU (D) ROM (E) None of these

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  15. The most common method of entering text and numerical data into a computer system is through the use of a
  16. Computer keyboard is an example of
  17. The computer gets …… with the help of mouse, joystick or keyboard.
  18. An device is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and instructions into a computer?
  19. Which of the following is not hardware?
  20. Any component of the computer you can see and touch is
  21. On the motherboard, the connection points for chips are referred to as
  22. Defines the parameters of the action and depends on the operation
  23. Pipeline strategy is called implement
  24. The processor must have two inputs
  25. Is the process of carrying out commands
  26. The machine cycle includes
  27. When machine instructions are being executed by a computer, the instruction phase followed by the execution phase is referred to as
  28. What is the full form of DMA?
  29. A uniform interval of CPU time allocated for use in performing a task is known as
  30. A temporary storage area, attached to the CPU, for I/O operations is a
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  32. Which is not an integral part of computer?
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  35. Which of the following are the components that reside on motherboard?
  36. The communication line between CPU, memory and peripherals is called a
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  38. The main circuit board in the computer that connects the parts of the computer is the
  39. The word ‘computer’ usually refers to the central processing unit plus
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  43. CPU retrieves its data and instructions from
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  1. A microprocessor is the brain of the computer and is also called a
  2. Who invent the first microprocessor?
  3. Control unit of a digital computer is often called the
  4. The control unit controls other units by generating
  5. The part of a computer that coordinates all its functions, is called its
  6. Which among the following is an important circuitry in a computer system that directs the operation of the processor?
  7. The portion of the CPU that coordinates the activities of all the other computer components is the
  8. Which among the following is a small set of data holding place that is a part of the computer processor and may hold an instruction, a storage address, or any kind of data?
  9. Internal memory in a CPU is nothing but
  10. Which unit is a combinational digital electronic circuit that performs arithmetic and bitwise operations on integer binary numbers?
  11. Which of the following executes the computer commands?
  12. Processors contain a control unit and a/an :
  13. How many types of arithmetic operations does the ALU of computer perform?
  14. What does ALU in computing denote?
  15. Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than, equal to or greater than etc
  16. Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing?
  17. Which unit of computer helps in communication between the memory and the arithmetic logical unit?
  18. What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer?
  19. The CPU comprises of control, memory and ..... units.
  20. The CPU is made up of two smaller components
  21. The main purpose of time-sharing techniques used in computers is to make the best use of the
  22. The main job of a CPU is to
  23. The CPU chip used in a computer is partially made of
  24. CPU is fabricated as a single integrated circuit which is known as
  25. What is the brain of the computer?
  26. Where does computer add and compare data?
  27. Which instruction is used for loading data into CPU accumulator register from memory?
  28. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) in a computer consists of
  29. This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits
  30. This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits
  31. Output unit includes
  32. This unit sends the processed results to the user
  33. Input unit converts data in computer in
  34. Information that comes from external source and fed into computer software is called
  35. Which of the following includes as a type of input?
  36. An device is any device that provides information, which is sent to the CPU.
  37. Which of the following is not responsible for the performance of the computer?
  38. The components that process data are located in which of the following?
  39. Which of the following is metal or plastic case that holds all the physical parts of the computer?
  40. The system unit
  41. Which circuit board is used in all electronic systems such as computer, calculators, digital system?
  42. The first computer architecture was introduced in
  43. Forms the backbone for building successful computer system.
  44. The basic functions performed by computer is/are
  45. In which of the following computers are used?
  46. Which of the following is the smallest and fastest computer imitating brain working?

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