Explain the features of management that do not establish it as a profession. [CBSE 2016]

Explain the features of management that do not establish it as a profession. [CBSE 2016]

Answer: The features of management that do not establish it as a profession are:
1). Restricted entry: Entry to a profession is restricted through a prescribed qualification. But there is no restriction on anyone being appointed as a manager in any business enterprise.
2). Professional association: All professions are affiliated to a professional association that regulates entry, grants certificates of practice. There is no compulsion for managers to be members of such an association.
3. Ethical code of conduct: All professions are bound by a code of conduct that guides the behaviour of their members. AIMA has devised a code of conduct for Indian managers but there is no statutory backing for this code.
4. Service motive: The motive of a profession is to serve their client’s interests by rendering dedicated and committed service.
The basic purpose of management is to help the organisation achieve its stated goal which may be profit maximization. However, profit maximization as the objective of management does not hold true and is fast changing. So, presently this feature of the profession is not fully present in management.

Explain the features of management that do not establish it as a profession. [CBSE 2016]

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