Is planning actually worth the huge costs involved? Explain

Is planning actually worth the huge costs involved? Explain.


Planning involves huge costs in terms of time and money. It involves analysis, research and scientific calculations that involve huge costs. However, despite being an expensive function it is a very basic and essential function of an organisation. Following are some of the highlighted factors due to which we can say that planning is a very significant action despite of the gigantic costs.

(i) Renders Direction: Planning clearly states the goals and objectives to be achieved. Thus, it acts as a guide for the actions to be taken. It provides a direction to the actions of different departments of the organisation. They guide the managers about things to be done, what route to take and how the objectives are to be achieved. It ensures that the path taken for accomplishment of goals is righteously chosen. Planning also ensures that various departments of the organisation work in a coordinated manner towards the achievement of the desired objectives.

(ii) Subdued Risk: By guiding an organisation in the right direction, it accredits its managers to analyse and anticipate changes. This leads to a reduction in uncertainty of the foreseen events. Planning shows how to deal with situations, which may arise in the due course of management, though it does not fully eliminate the problems.

(iii) Minimized Overlapping: As the managers are well comprehended with the policies and plans of the organisation, they coordinate the activities together to reach the objectives. Thus, overlapping of the work is reduced. In addition, any wastage of resources that takes place due to overlapping is reduced. Proper planning ensures that there is no confusion and misunderstanding and the work proceeds smoothly.

(iv) Encourages Creativity: Planning serves as the stepping-stone of any organization’s success. It includes formulating policies and plans which requires innovation. It is a crucial activity, which demands the best of managers thinking capabilities and creativity. It calls out for new ideas by the management to attain the goals.

(v) Helps in Decision Making: Planning serves as the basis for decision making. Planning involves analysing the future, evaluating the various courses of action and choosing the best alternative as per the objective. Thus, following a proper planning process helps the managers in taking rational decisions.

(vi) Essential for Controlling: Planning states the objectives that are to be achieved. Thus, it sets the standards against which the performance is evaluated. It also helps in determining whether there is any deviation from the said objectives and thereby, facilitates the corrective measures. Hence, we can infer that despite the costs involved, planning is a very important function in management and worth the costs incurred. 

Is planning actually worth the huge costs involved? Explain

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