Explain the reaction of the business class towards the Civil Disobedience Movements

Question: Explain the reaction of the business class towards the Civil Disobedience Movements.

Answer: Civil Disobedience Movement was accepted in different forms by different classes of society. The support given by the business class was a big boost to the movement.

1). The Civil Disobedience Movement was welcomed by the business class during the early phase of the movement.

2). Monetary support was extended, and the business class refused to buy or sell the Manchester goods.

3). The businessmen expected to have independent business units without any colonial restrictions being imposed.

4). They wanted the smooth functioning of trade and other industries without any constraints.

5). But the support given by the business class was withdrawn when Gandhiji relaunched the movement after the failure of the Round Table Conference.

6). They did not want their business to be disrupted. Thus, the business class extended warm support when the Civil Disobedience Movement was launched.

Explain the reaction of the business class towards the Civil Disobedience Movements

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