Give three examples to show that the world changed with the discovery of new sea routes of America

Question: Give three examples to show that the world changed with the discovery of new sea routes of America.

Answer: Before the 16th century, America was developing in isolation. With the

discovery of sea routes to America, its rich sources could be utilized in other parts of the world as well.

The 3 main changes that took place are as follows :

i) Peru and Mexico had many silver mines. These were then traded with the European countries. Many even began their expedition to El Dolarado, a fabled city of gold in South America.

ii) Portuguese and Spaniards had conquered a major part of America using firearms and germs of smallpox. Since, the people of America were living in isolation and had no immunity for it, most of the natives died. This led to an easier conquest.

iii) Religious conflicts began among different sections of society. The Europeans brought slaves from Africa to work in the large plantations set up by them in America. With the discovery of the sea route to America, goods and labour began moving westward.

Give three examples to show that the world changed with the discovery of new sea routes of America

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