How did the salt march become an effective tool of resistance against British colonial power?

Question: How did the salt march become an effective tool of resistance against British colonial power?

Answer: The Salt March was an effective tool of resistance against British colonial power.

1). Mahatma Gandhi was very much against the levy of tax on salt and the monopoly of the Government over its production.

2). He felt that salt was the essential food item having no disparity between the rich and the poor.

3). Hence, he stated that it was an atrocity of British power.

4). He decided to launch a movement to exempt salt from tax.

5). Lord Irwin, the then Viceroy was sent a letter from Gandhiji stating eleven demands.

6). The Primary demand was to withdraw the tax on salt and make it tax-free.

7). Since the British side showed reluctance, Gandhi started the salt march.

8). It was called Dandi March, where he walked 240 miles from his Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi.

9). He was accompanied by about seventy-eight followers.

10). After reaching Dandi, the coastal town, he boiled seawater and manufactured salt, thus violating the salt law.

11). By this, he persuaded people to break colonial laws and started the Non-cooperation movement against the British power. This Dandi March or the Salt March, thus, can be rightly said as the first powerful protest against the British.

How did the salt march become an effective tool of resistance against British colonial power?

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