Question: Mr Sourabh, who is an M.B.A., has been appointed to the post of General Manager in Sa-re-ga-ma Ltd. Company. Just after his appointment, he took a decision to set up a chemical plant near a residential colony. (The chosen location to set up the plant was favourable for many reasons to the company). After some time, another important decision to the amount of charity being given annually to educational institutions and religious institutions was withdrawn giving the justification that it was an unnecessary burden on the company. More emphasis was given to the share of the company in the market and in search of modern procedures. Apart from this, a long time labour-dispute was resolved by taking a balanced decision.
i). Tell whether Mr Sourabh is at fault?
ii). If yes, the fault is in which context?
iii). How can the mistake be amended?
Answer: Yes, Mr Sourabh is at fault. He is avoiding the social objective of management.
There is a need for rethinking on two issues:
i). Establishing Chemical Plant near a residential colony and
ii). Giving Charity