What is meant by coordination? Explain how does coordination ‘integrate group efforts’ and ‘ensure unity of action’. [CBSE 2012]

Question: What is meant by coordination? Explain how does coordination ‘integrate group efforts’ and ‘ensure unity of action’. [CBSE 2012]

Answer: Meaning of Coordination: Coordination is a process through which harmony is established among different activities of an organisation so that organisational objectives can be successfully achieved. Characteristics of Coordination: The following are the main points of the characteristics of coordination:

i). Coordination Integrates Group Effort: The need for coordination is felt when group effort is needed for the accomplishment of an objective. In short, it can be said that coordination is related to group effort and not an individual effort. The question of coordination does not arise if the job is done by one person only.

ii). Coordination Ensures Unity of Action: The nature of coordination is of creating unity in action. It means during the coordination process an effort is made to create unity among the various activities of an organisation. For example, the purchase and sale departments have to coordinate their effort so that supply of goods takes place according to purchase orders.

What is meant by coordination? Explain how does coordination ‘integrate group efforts’ and ‘ensure unity of action’. [CBSE 2012]

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